
Who Am I…

I’m the first Blindian son of parents from Jamaica and Dominica —don’t confuse it with the Republic. I was born on islands stolen by the US and live as a world citizen. I try to travel often and integrate with the locals. I’ve moved a lot in my life and I can make home wherever I am.

I love music, cooking, video games, and having fun in community. I got back into reading about 10 years ago, but I’ve been all about it since. I play basketball, soccer, and dance all the time. I used to run and now spend a lot of my time on public transit or my bike whenever possible.

I’m a polymathic problem-solver. I have dabbled in a variety of fields, industries, and techniques. My growth beyond deep specialization gives me a toolbox of systemic models to approach and solve problems anywhere and everywhere. This broad exposure has allowed me to develop a unique set of analytical and creative skills that help me zoom in, out, around, and through problems to see clearer glimpses of the optimal future for ALL and the steps to get there.

I started out in the technology and engineering realm where I’ve mastered adaptive systems thinking and have extended far beyond that to become a jazz composer for experience design. On top of those skills I’ve also layered on design justice and regenerative economic principles. I work on problems like a tactician bringing breadth, adaptability, and equity for long-term, sustainable innovation.

I’m always looking for new problems or industries to work with. I can confidently say that for ANY problem I have either already implemented, developed the experiment, or can swiftly develop the experiment for experiences that are dramatically more impactful, imperishable, and impartial to dominant culture. What problem or experience are you trying to transform?



Self-Aware Learning

Self-Aware Learning

I’m constantly curious. I take a self-directed approach to learning, exploring, and creatively growing. I use these experiences, joyous and burdensome, to connect dots and develop new solutions.

Trusted Cooperation

Trusted Cooperation

I focus on trust and transparency with my work to develop authentic community which supports and helps each other as I believe in shared prosperity. Empowering empathy and humility are my defaults.

Transformational Impact

Transformational Impact

My purpose is to create transformative positive impact. This is done through a regenerative systems emphasizing inherent abundance in us and the ecology we steward toward collective liberation.