I’m on this journey of writing to give back just as the internet has generously given to me. To allow me to develop into the multifaceted and formidable creative problem solver that I am. In addition, I’m also attempting to improve my skills and to publically share my evolution and cultivation. Hopefully others who have been disconnected and isolated can find similarities or inspirations that will allow them to reconnect. Reconnecting to a collective community where people cooperate and aid one another for collective success. A community with immense diversity, acceptance, and generative creativity for ALL people and our planet. One that will give you hints and nudges to help you find yourself as I continue to find myself in this extremely complex and changing world which we inhabit. That’s the real needle in a haystack. Starting with my purpose helps me to get some initial footing in order to figure out what I will actually write about.
I reread my purpose and realized that I buried what I would write about within those words. I knew the impact that I wanted to have and used that as my “North Star” to direct what I would write. It would be something that I think I know best, something unique, something that would offer the most value --I think… because I could never fully assess future impact perfectly. I should write about my journey. About the things I’ve learned and more from behind the scenes of how I do what I do. Which, to me and a lot of the people I meet, is vastly divergent.
This is going to get a little meta. I think that’s just the type of person I am, that meta mindset. You know that person that be thinking about the thoughts that they be thinking. This is essentially an adaptation of my journal. That’s why I named my blog the way I did. It will be a mix of story, reflection, speculation, realization, correction, but definitely some of my lessons from my own evolution and cultivation.
Originally I was going to just directly write about what I have found to be my superpower(s). Then as I started writing and words started flowing there was too much to explain. I had to do a lot of setup and world building in order to get someone to fully understand and really FEEL my superpower(s). I think it is important to FEEL it as I began to realize and embody my superpower(s). This is important in sharing this experience and providing some sort of reference for someone else to identify it for themselves. It is an innate, inner, soul-filling, musical, body-moving, resonating experience. And I couldn’t formulate the right words to properly craft that event in a pithy, yet engaging manner. So I decided against being explicit and hitting you in the face with it all. Instead, I should envelope you in it. Wrap you up like a wholly enveloping hug of experience. Writing about a multitude of encounters, analyses, and resolutions that provide a more detailed journey that may result in more fruitful translation to others. Preparing your frame to properly understand and FEEL it. Hopefully you will FEEL it in your own way. Because through my contemplative composition I hope you can go deeper and find your own superpower(s). We all have them and my optimism believes that they can all be used to positively impact all people and the planet. Maybe I’ll write about my superpower(s) more explicitly after this series.
I don’t know if my writing will be in any order or even organized or contiguous. This will be more of an amorphous improvisation, my jazzy journal essays. As you may have already noticed I am finding my writing voice. I feel that my voice has a rhythm, a melody, and a chorus. Music has been the guiding force for much of my life and unlocks the immense creativity residing in my mind rent-free. I will employ a bounce and rhythm to my writing that transforms it into a poetic prose that hopefully you can rock with. Don’t mind my aggressive alliterations, they keep the beat bouncing in my story.
Despite my freeform format I want to build in some sort of consistency and structure to this effort. I will release them along a somewhat regular schedule, I’m thinking monthly, but it may be more often. I look to initially write a somewhat pre-subscribed set of writings.
Here is the “Table of Contents” that I plan to complete:
Early Expeditions
Determining Reality
Reality Blocker
Curate Reality
Recent Odyssey
I’m using somewhat super intentionally. As you will see from some of my writings and as you get to know me you will understand that about me. Don’t put me in a box. But in order for most people to perceive your perplexing pilgrimage I’ve realized I need to keep one foot in the box --or at least near it. My writing will not be in the order presented --that’s why I used bullets instead of numbers for the list. I will keep that “Table of Contents” up to date and linked to each individual incantation I craft so you can keep track. I say incantation because I see every writing as an enchantment diffusing my growth to others that are growing. Hopefully, you gain from this as much as I’ve gained. Let me know if you want to know more. As you can see I have some writing to do.